Hey party people!
It's Monday and I wanna say THANK YOU to those of you who have sent me such kind words about my breakout over the last year <3
On Wednesday morning, I'll randomly draw one lucky winner from the reviews on my Clickin Moms Click & Co Store breakout page to receive a $35 gift card to Amazon.com
Thank you again and good luck! <3 <3 <3
lifestyle vs documentary photography
My oldest dressed herself this morning and looked like the cutest little librarian I ever did see. She went into the kitchen and I saw a beautiful portrait opportunity so I grabbed my camera.
Our industry has seen a steady increase (and overuse) of the words "lifestyle" and "documentary" to describe their work, and in taking these two images this morning I saw a fun way that I can differentiate the two.
Both of these images tell the story of my girl(s) at breakfast.
I don't believe the first is dishonest, or manipulative, but it strips down the story to JUST my daughter and the fact that even though she's tall enough to reach the sink, she still stands on her tip toes. It doesn't however tell the ENTIRE story.
The second is a more holistic depiction of the scene. No one has been directed for light and the story here conveys more chaos than the first.
This isn't to say that lifestyle images are clean and that documentary style photos are chaotic, or that one is more ideal in general. They are both powerful styles that can yield emotive and compelling results. Lifestyle photography captures a subject naturally in it's environment and documentary photography does the same without doing anything (or doing very little) to sensor the image or story. I use both approaches when shooting for my 365 projects as well as my client work, and the more documentary style photos I shoot, the more effective I have seen my lifestyle images become.
What about you? Are you utilizing these approaches in your work?
3 Tips To Help The Introvert Survive Click Away
The internet is all abuzz in anticipation of the upcoming Click Away event in San Antonio. I mean, THERE'S ONLY 4 MORE SLEEPS, PEOPLE!
There are lots of questions to be asked - What do I wear?
Will Ben Sasso survive being in an environment devoid of mountains and waterfalls?
What if Sue Bryce identifies my blocks from all the way across the room?
Will Lisa Tichane bring everyone macaroons? (this is more of a request...)
But one thing I am seeing more than anything is -
"HALP! I'm an introvert and I don't know if I'll be able to adult with everyone!"
Have no fear, my awesome, introverted friend, I have a few tips that may help.
Before I get to list making, let's first clarify what an introvert is, as it's becoming increasingly popular to claim this awesome status. It is not necessarily that you are shy, or stand-offish, or brilliant (just kidding, that's exactly what it means). Being an introvert is defined by being "concerned principally with its own affairs; inward-looking or parochial."
When helping my (very extroverted) oldest daughter understand why her younger sister needed time to play alone, we explained it like this "Extroverts get energy from being around other people, and lose energy when they are alone. Introverts lose energy when surrounded by other people, and gain energy from being alone."
Also, just for fun, go ahead and take a Jungian Personality test. Because that's the only way I can understand you ;)
l of us, extrovert, introvert, and martian alike, are kind of freaked out about meeting hundreds of new people, that's totally normal! Accepting a dinner invite, or a ride to the grocery store, or a shoot out can open you up for new friendships that can last a lifetime. For real. Know that everyone around you trying to figure out how to show the best of themselves to you and are less concerned with how much you are talking, so say "Yes." At least once.
Don't limit yourself with a label! Being an introvert is awesome! Without us, there would be know Sherlock Holmes, and without Sherlock Holmes, there would be no need for Benedict Cumberbatch to play "Sherlock" (and if you haven't already marathoned this on Netflix... guess what, party in Mae's room!!!) If you find yourself thinking that you can't share your glass of wine with Candace Zugich, or swap soccer stories with Kate Parker, or ask Michelle Gardella if, as a mermaid, it's painful for her to be out of the water for so long - all because you're introverted? Kick that thought in the face, put on those big girl panties and soak up what these amazing people have to share.
Hang out with people? Yes. Initiate conversations? You can do it. You're going to be great at all of this! But don't forget, you will BURN OUT FAST if you aren't giving yourself the time needed to process the day, form opinions about it, hash it out, and start again tomorrow. Don't feel so obligated to come out of that introvert mold that you set yourself up for failure by not giving your body and mind what it needs.
The kids are under someone else's care this weekend. Some people are waiting in San Antonio, stupid excited to meet you, teach you, share with you. It's going to be awesome. We can do it.