Local Business Branding
Local Business Branding
Now helping local businesses tell their stories through images for social media
Please email or call for more information. Custom packages start at $350.
View work from previous clients here.
As the world adjusts to a “new normal”, I’ve adapted my scheduling and shooting practices.
I will maintain social distance while wearing a mask during indoor sessions and ask my clients to be transparent with their health and contact with any individuals who have tested positive or recently been sick. I am fully vaccinated, as are my children.
All sessions require a $200 non refundable deposit with the remainder due one week before the session. As always, we can reschedule for any reason (weather, sickness, etc) and your deposit serves as a retainer for one year.
Thank you for understanding. I am excited to still be photographing your everyday moments.
Mae’s time and talent
Pre-session consult via phone, skype, or coffee
1-2 hours of shoot time in your home, around your neighborhood, or your favorite spot in town
Professional editing on select images
An heirloom box of 5X7 proof prints *on select packages
High and low resolution digital images to print and share online
A non-refundable deposit is required to secure all sessions. Rescheduling may be possible so contact me for coordination.
Session prices reflect location and time spent shooting
Now helping local businesses tell their stories through images for social media
Please email or call for more information. Custom packages start at $350.
View work from previous clients here.