Goodbye Gummies!

The past 24 hours have been INSANE!

Lets start with Goodbye Gummies:
My adorable "Gummie Baby" as we affectionately call her, cut her first tooth last night! We were on our way home from Diedre's house [who blessed us with some AMAZING fabric for a flower barter] in Katie's new sweet ride- the Coach [a beautiful boat of a van that we will be taking on our trip to Oregon!] Lily was super good the whole time and then as soon as we were headed back home, she started screaming. I went back there [as Katie said "you are now free to move about the cabin"] to let her suck on pink to try to calm her down [ya..we're one of those weird no pacifier kinda families...] And as soon as I stuck my finger in her mouth, I almost cried! I felt a little bitty sharp Raptor tooth poking through my baby's gums! Poor thing! I just wanted to nurse her and make her feel all better, and cuddle her...But we eventually made it home [the whole ten minute drive!] and I got to snuggle and love on her as much as I wanted!...and called my mom devastated at how fast she's growing up!