Consumed By Food

The past few days, really couldn't have been better.

  • I wake up, cook and eat breakfast with Lily and Eamon as he heads out the door to work. 
  • Clean up Lily. 
  • Pick up the house a little bit while playing with said Lily. 
  • Put her down for a nap [today I got to nap WITH her!
  • Play and clean some more. 
  • Make lunch for everyone. 
  • Put down Lily for second nap. 
  • Mostly play with Lily and try to keep her not cranky. 
  • Bathe Lily, or just let her play in the bathtub, I really don't mind :]. 
  • Put Lily to bed. 
  • After about 7:30 I have the rest of the evening to myself!

Somewhere in here I prepare supper for Eamon and I, but the rest of the evening I've been able to read, craft, knit, watch a movie. It's been really nice. Lily of course wakes up every now and then and I nurse her back to sleep, but all in all, I've been diggin this week.

[It seems that two weeks ago was a really rough week, last week was a week full of encouragement from every woman, man and child that I know, and this week was just SO blessed and calm and...dare I say it, easy?]

With this new found [and hopefully long lasting!] organization I have stumbled upon, I have found myself in a deep, passionate, unadulterated love affair with food. [The best part is, Eamon's in on it too, mwahahaha!]
I'm listening to In Defense of Food which is really a response to An Omnivore's Delhima. He decided after writing that, people needed to know what TO eat! And I'm reading Real Food; What to Eat and Why by Nina Planck. I can literally feel my stomach get fuller as she talks about the raw milk butter on whole grain bread. Both teach you to stay away from the gimics; low fat, fat free, low carb, carb free, Extra Vitamin blah blah blah, and eat REAL FOOD! Just food people!

This week we did not eat out once, for 21 meals. We did not eat anything premade, and we did not eat anything that wasn't thrown together by the same fingers that are typing now. Neither of us have felt this good in months!

[So I totally, unknowingly just lied then! I had Eamon get me some Chips A'hoy brand cookies because...well lets just say Lily eating solids has taken "that" toll on my body"]

[Another side note: 9 months of being fat, plus labor and delivery are well worth the nearly year and a half of no periods...just sayin.]

For example, right now I am roasting [more like "sun drying" in the oven] grape tomatoes for pizza tonight. Homemade crust [shared here last week], mozzerella, feta, "sundried" tomatoes, and artichokes. Does it get better than that on a Saturday night????
In the morning I have Muesli planned with a fat pat of real butter and a spoonful of honey, after being soaked overnight in milk. HEAVEN.
All of that just to give us enough energy for tomorrow! We recieved our Food Stamps [don't hate!] and since it took them so long, we have accumulated three months worth...stoked doesn't even begin to describe the anticipation Eamon and I have had all week!

Well if no one votes for a recipe tomorrow, I'll pick one at random, but in case you would still like a say; here are this week's options for recipes :]
1. My Hummus recipe [like I said, waaaay better than Saba brand]
2. my Chewy chocolate chip recipe
3. My Spank-a-pita [formally Spanikopita] recipe
