FOTC Friday and Recipe Vote

Since I spent so much time on my soy post, today's is gonna be short, sweet, and to the point.

Flight of the Conchords "If that's what you're in to"
[NOT appropriate for the kiddies- but hilarious, as usual]

Hahaha, ok now that's out of the way :] This week's recipe vote!

Breads :]
1. White Amish Bread [perfect for the amish butter I got this week, YUM!]
2. Black Olive Foccacia
3. Green Irish Soda Bread [...ok, it's not really green, but there was a theme going with the colors, lol]

The workouts are starting to get tangible, and I can feel the difference in my body, but I'm gaining weight? Ugh... Anywho, I have a consultation with my chiropractor on Monday to see what I can do about my diet...though I'm not sure I'm doing anything wrong. Frustrating.

Tomorrow's post will be all about Lily's booty...well, diapers anyway ;]

OX, Mae