*Today I had something else planned, but in honor of my sweet girls 9 month birthday, I think she deserves some attention ;]
Sweet Baby Girl,
Words cannot express how much you've changed my heart the last 3 months. Your personality is blossoming so sweet and sassy, and you are the biggest joy for Mama and Dada. Puppets and books can keep you entertained endlessly, but nothing compares to the way you giggle and grin when Daddy comes home for lunch!
In the past few months you've learned to say "Dada", "Mama", and "Buh-Bye!" You can take a few steps all by yourself, but still think crawling is the way to go. You love to twirl your adorably chubby fingers in my hair when you nurse. I know there's no connection like that of a mother and son, but I am in love with the connection of mother and daughter that we have now.
One year ago I was about six months pregnant. Daddy and I were finally recovering from the first financial drought of our marriage and everything started to change. After coming out of some really tough stuff, and about to enter the most stressful time of my life I started nesting like crazy talking to you every night, and clinging to your Daddy and Jesus. For the past few weeks I have been having flash backs every time I step outside. The way the air feels on my skin, the way the grass tickles my toes, the way the new spring produce invigorates my tongue...it all takes me back. Sometimes, I stand in awe that I'm not holding you in my womb anymore, but that you can experience all of these things with me!
I can't wait to know more and more of you as we [possibly] finish up our time here in DFW and the last few months of your first year!
We will return to our regularly scheduled broadcast tomorrow;]
OH! And a big shout out to Michelle Monk Photography for taking such gorgeous pictures of our family!