That's what I've been saying a lot of these days. I'm definitely in the uncomfortable part of my pregnancy, I feel like Baby is just SO low...but it's probably all in my head.
Do you see this? [Ignore the Lily just woke up and there is crap all over my floor mess] This baby is huge...and low. The front of my belly pushes out my panties...Another month of this is gonna be the end of me. BUT I'm not sick of being pregnant yet. Yes I want to meet this little baby, yes I really want to wear normal clothes again, but I know as soon as he/she is here I'm going to wish they were still in my belly, nice and warm, safe from Lily's and Rusty's slobber.
Every other day it seems like the weather is finally gonna warm up for good, but it never really makes up it's mind. I'm so ready for the pool...sigh.
And about yesterday's post.
I've never had to moderate my comments as much as I did yesterday, you guys got way, way, way fired up. My post was meant to 1) Introduce my birth team to you all 2) Say it's stupid to insult people for their marriage/parenting decisions. This is MY blog and I was defending MY choice to birth how we see fit, if I can't do it here, where can I? I felt like I got a LOT of backhanded complements, and contradictory encouragements. My intentions were not at all to offend anyone, make anyone feel like they are less of a mother/parent for not having a midwife/home birth, or preach about doctors. [So the "Well I just pray that you don't need those idiot, unexperienced doctors. Not all of us our superwoman." comments were really hurtful and rude.] I really love all of my readers and hope that I didn't offend you yesterday :
I've got one more post planned before the big 200...it's probably gonna be about poop again ;]
OH! And look over there <<<<< I've got a nifty little poll! Go vote!
Happy Monday!