Yup, the due date is here and I've got NOTHIN going on...nuh-thing.
For some reason I gave Eamon's guess on when the Baby is going to come a lot more salt than anyone else's so when I woke up [from my 4 hours of sleep....urgh] last night not in labor...I was pretty disappointed. I was also hoping for last night because Eamon could then take today, tomorrow, PLUS the weekend to have with us, but no such luck.
So now the hard waiting starts. I'm hoping last night was my friend H's turn to have her baby since she's been waiting almost TWO WEEKS to meet her baby girl. So if she's all done, 'tis definitely my turn!
SHE DID SHE DID SHE DID!!! Baby S got confused and came on my due date, not her's ;]
Here's to not having a "Week 41" photo ;]