Pretty soon my little Lily, your world will change over night.
As you slumber deep inside your crib, I'll be pushing with all my might.
I savor the last few nights I have listening to your breath
Reminiscing of the time you were the only baby on my chest.
I watch you grow with each new sunrise and pray for the days to slow
All while thanking Our Father as your adventurous heart begins to show.
Every night I plead the time is right to meet your brother or sister,
Right before I go check your bed "Just to see and kiss her"
Catching Rainbow Fish is hard work and exhilarating, even while you are dreaming
But it can't compare to the surprise we'll share when you wake from sleeping.
I've been cleaning like crazy, and preparing Lily to meet her new sibling [we learned how to put cloth diapers on her babies yesterday :] And even though she's thrown some tantrums that outdo any tantrum any toddler has ever thrown...ever [I exaggerate sometimes] I'm still trying to just savor each and every moment we have right now. I can't believe how fast 20 months have gone by...
Happy Thursday,