Cleanse Meal Plan

So yesterday [before hiding in a neighbors closet waiting to hear the tornadoes had passed, more on that later] I put together all 3 weeks of meals for the cleanse we're about to go on. Some have you asked that I share, so here you go :]

Week One

Mae & Lily
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Sunday Smoothie & Eggs Avacado Chutney Baked SP w/Salad & Broc
Monday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Veg Prima w/BR Pasta
Tuesday Smoothie & Eggs Spinach/Basil Dip Red Lentil Curry w/BR
Wednesday Smoothie & Eggs Left Overs Veg Stew w/BR & Baked SP
Thursday Smoothie & Eggs Left Overs Sesame BR Noodles
Friday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Port Mush Caps w/Kale Salad
Saturday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Lentil Falafel w/Red Lent Hummus

Snacks BR Crackers w/Cheese *Carrots for Mae No C

BR Crackers w/Fruit ** No Cheese

Veg Chips w/ Fruit

Veg Chips w/Cheese
Dessert Smoothie


Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Sunday Smoothie Avacado Chutney Baked SP w/Salad & Broc
Monday Smoothie Baked SP w/GS Veg Prima w/BR Pasta
Tuesday Smoothie Spinach/Basil Dip Red Lentil Curry w/BR
Wednesday Smoothie Work Veg Stew w/BR & Baked SP
Thursday Smoothie Work Sesame BR Noodles
Friday Smoothie Work Port Mush Caps w/Kale Salad
Saturday Smoothie Baked SP w/GS Lentil Falafel w/Red Lent Hummus
Snacks BR Crackers w/Fruit
Veg Chips w/ Fruit
Dessert Smoothie

Week 2

Mae & Lily
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Sunday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Baked Chicken w/Artichokes & BR
Monday Smoothie & Eggs LO's & Avacado Chutney Fish w/Baked SP & Broc
Tuesday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Chicken “Parm” w/Greek Salad
Wednesday Smoothie & Eggs Chicken Kababs Lentil Stew w/Green Salad
Thursday Smoothie & Eggs Left Overs Coconut Lime Chicken Curry
Friday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Eggplant Parm w/Kale Av Salad
Saturday Smoothie & Eggs Avacado Chutney Baked Chicken w/Mash Lent & Salad

Snacks BR Crackers w/Cheese *Carrots for Mae No C

BR Crackers w/Fruit ** No Cheese

Veg Chips w/ Fruit

Veg Chips w/Cheese
Dessert Smoothie


Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Sunday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Baked Chicken w/Artichokes & BR
Monday Smoothie & Eggs LO's & Avacado Chutney Fish w/Baked SP & Broc
Tuesday Smoothie & Eggs Work Chicken “Parm” w/Greek Salad
Wednesday Smoothie & Eggs Work-Chicken Lentil Stew w/Green Salad
Thursday Smoothie & Eggs Work Coconut Lime Chicken Curry
Friday Smoothie & Eggs Work-Chicken Eggplant Parm w/Kale Av Salad
Saturday Smoothie & Eggs Avacado Chutney Baked Chicken w/Mash Lent & Salad
Snacks BR Crackers w/Fruit
Veg Chips w/ Fruit
Dessert Smoothie

Week 3

Mae & Lily
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Sunday Smoothie & Eggs Chicken Kababs Zuccini Marinara
Monday Smoothie & Eggs Avacado Chutney Peruvian Chicken w/BR & Salad
Tuesday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Fish w/BR & roasted broc
Wednesday Smoothie & Eggs Spaghetti Squash Chicken Caesar Salad
Thursday Smoothie & Eggs Thai Chicken Soup Stir Fry w/BR Pasta
Friday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Chicken Breast w/guac & Mex BR
Saturday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Lentil Chili w/corn

Snacks BR Crackers w/Cheese *Carrots for Mae No C

BR Crackers w/Fruit ** No Cheese

Veg Chips w/ Fruit

Veg Chips w/Cheese
Dessert Smoothie


Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Sunday Smoothie & Eggs Chicken Kababs Zuccini Marinara
Monday Smoothie & Eggs Avacado Chutney Peruvian Chicken w/BR & Salad
Tuesday Smoothie & Eggs Work Fish w/BR & roasted broc
Wednesday Smoothie & Eggs Spaghetti Squash Chicken Caesar Salad
Thursday Smoothie & Eggs Thai Chicken Soup Stir Fry w/BR Pasta
Friday Smoothie & Eggs Work Chicken Breast w/guac & Mex BR
Saturday Smoothie & Eggs Baked SP w/GS Lentil Chili w/corn
Snacks BR Crackers w/Fruit
Veg Chips w/ Fruit
Dessert Smoothie

Lots of these recipes can be found over at the Mommypotumus's blog, and some are from her awesome new book!

Happy Wednesday!
Eamon's trip got delayed, so instead of him being home this afternoon, he'll be home tomorrow night :[ Be back later to tell you about our tornado adventures, thank you to those who prayed for Oklahoma and Texas last night.