The Birth of Max

When I started my project with Rachel, I had hoped that I would be available to photograph her birth if she didn't already hire a photographer. I got a text last Friday that read "Well, I'm in labor!" while I was a few hours out of town. DRAT. Not gonna be able to make it.


I texted her as I was putting my girls to bed asking how she was doing and if her sweet boy had made his appearance yet. And then I got "the call"


I made sure my battery was charged, formatted memory cards, hopped in my cards, turned on this song, and prayed over my sweet client/friend's labor

This was her first labor as her daughter, Dani, was a scheduled csection. And while Rachel's story isn't mine to tell, I wanted this birth desperately for her.


I walked in to their home, to the familiar yet foreign sounds of a woman laboring and took my seat as I watched a true miracle unfold before me.










Rachel pushed for three and a half hours, and any time I felt her moral, or even mine, I would just pray "There is power, in the name of Jesus, to break every chain..." and watched Him work beautifully through this mama.








Thank you, Rachel, Craig, and the rest of your sweet family for allowing me to be a part of your son's entrance into the world. It's something I will never forget.


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