I scooped you all up early this morning to watch the sun rise on the beach. You were awestruck and giddy and it made me so happy. Lily, you are dainty and frilly, and want to do good like any first born might. You strive for approval and want to lead your sisters so earnestly, so sincerely. We see Jesus in you more and more each day and gush at the little lady you are becoming. Norah, my little spit fire. You are my curve ball, the one that keeps me on my toes. You are feisty and fiery, loyal, and strong. I can never tell what you are thinking, but what comes out of you takes my breath away. Getting to know who you are as a tiny person pushes me to my limits in every which direction. You love the sea. The sand. The waves. The wind. You were made for this place. Phoebe, my little chub. You are walking and babbling and teething like a little monster. You are just the sweetest, easiest, chubbiest baby I have ever had. I want to coddle you at all times. You love to chase after your sisters, following their lead whenever they provide an opportunity. You are sweet, but often demanding of my attention. I can't believe you are already one.
I don't know how long we will live by the coast my dears, but as long as we are hear, I don't ever want you to forget what a blessing it is. Your daddy is working so hard to make life as beautiful and simple as he can, and I'm trying my hardest to keep up my end of the deal by being present and diligent with the three of you. I fail, often, but you girls show me Grace day after day.
All my love, Mama