World Breastfeeding Week (and National Breastfeeding Month!) are just a month away!So this week, I've released the details for my Fourth Annual World Breastfeeding Week Mini Sessions for the South Texas Coastal Bend area. (DFW, hang on tight, yours will go on sale August 1st!)
Here are a few questions I get asked A LOT by mamas considering being photographed by me
1) Uhm.... Why breastfeeding photos? * Okay, trust me when I say, this time will go by so quickly. If you are breastfeeding, you know that this is a huge time suck right now (pun intended) and SOMEHOW, you will only remember teeny fuzzy details. YEHS. Instagram selfies are cute, and they'll help you remember, but working with an experienced professional (ahem....*raises hands*... wildly) will give you breathtaking images that you will forever cherish.
2) I'm....SUPER private. Do my images have to be posted online? * Not at all! I would say about 10% of my clients do not want their images (or their children's faces, or or or) online, and those will never be seen by anyone other than them. Sometimes, they are really stinking amazing images. But just like the relationship they have with their children, it is between the two of them, and I respect that. These images are not about me as an artist, they are about you and your child and they flipping amazing gift you are giving them.
3) "I'm er-uhm-awkward... So...." * ME. TOO. But, after photographing LITERALLY HUNDREDS of breastfeeding mamas and babies, I have a plan for pretty much every scenario. With my What to Wear Guide, years of experience, and extreme empathy for the weirdo in you, I've got your back. Hopefully I will be able to put you at ease. Trust me when I say your baby will love me if you love me ;]
4) "Speaking of my baby, s/he's a VERY distracted nurser. I really just don't think s/he'll sit still long enough for any pictures." * SAID EVERY NURSING MOM EVER. No but seriously, that is every single mom's concern. But y'all, I am fast. Like freaky fast. Nurse, pop off, nurse, pop off, nurse, spray milk everywhere, boom. I've already got 5 images. I am confident that I'll get what I need. And, please keep in mind, these sessions are about the bond with you and your baby. So if they aren't nursing, tickles, giggles, belly nomming, all part of the session.
5) What about a refund? *Ah, comin at me with a serious question are ya? Well, mini sessions are non-refundable but are transferable. I will reschedule if there is inclimate weather, otherwise, try to gift your session to a friend if they can't make it. If your babe has weaned by our scheduled date, that's also not a biggy. You still love them, so come on and get your pictchya taken ;]
6) I REALLY REALLY REALLY want pictures...but I'm not breastfeeding. Please? *If there are remaining time slots, I will open them up to the public for Mama and her babes. So don't go on an unexpected Target trip over the next month. Those things always cost $100 and you may need it for pictures.
STILL on the fence about pictures with me? Shoot me an email at Let's work it out. You need these. Promise.