The Fount Society

Long have I been waiting for there to be a place where fine art photographers who specialize in motherhood portraits have an elite membership to showcase their beautiful work and offer mother's a place to search for the best of the best. Enter, The Fount Collective.From their website:

"We are devoted to motherhood. It’s just that simple. We are pinned to the beauty of it. The grit of it. The pulse of it. The story that isn’t always seen behind it. It knows no boundaries. It has met no hurdle it cannot overcome. It’s eternal and sacred and deserving to live beyond the artist’s frame.

The name Fount is grounded in the Middle English version of the word, meaning: a rise or beginning from a source, someone that provides what is needed. We grew attached to this name instantly, as we believe it describes motherhood as perfectly as we hope to capture it— a source where life flows from; a deep wellspring that deserves to be honored in the everyday.

We know motherhood to be a universal language that leans in and whispers into the ears of those who document it. For that reason, it is our hope to reshape the way it is represented within the portraiture community. We are invested in keeping the power behind motherhood fascinating and timeless— as it was always meant to be seen."

And just like that, I knew I had a place where I longed to be. When they announce the Fount Society, I put my big girl panties on and decided to apply. And I was ever so generously accepted.


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I am so excited to be among such talent. I can't wait to see what this community has in store.

Please visit the site to discover some of the most beautiful portraits of mothers & their babes that you have ever seen