As many of you know, my middle daughter Norah has a Mast Cell Disorder. We've actually had a pretty rough few weeks with it, for seemingly no reason, which is always frustrating.There is no cure for this, yet, and like so many people effected by a Rare Disease, we get through day by day doing what we can.
I know we are not alone in this! So this year, with Rare Disease Day coming up, I'd like to help share your stories too. I'd love to start a blog circle that links all of our stories together.
If you have a blog that you keep up with you or your child's Rare Disease, leave a link either here or in the comments on Facebook and we'll come together to share these stories.
Norah's life is effected in every single way by her Mast Cells. How we eat, clean, play, school, worship, make friends, travel, sleep - Every single part of her life is carefully considered and I know from experience that load can be too burdensome to carry alone. Due to lack of research, funding, education and many other things, many of these diseases have no cure, and are not recognized by the general population (and often Medical Community at large). This Feb 28th, let's make our voices heard as we support those living with Rare Diseases.