"I am at this wild place where I have a 15 year old and a 2 month old and just about everything in between. Where I have learned so much, enough to know that having things figured out isn't going to happen, even with Seven, enough to appreciate the minutes and the days I have with each one, and enough to give myself a time-out, apologize and let it slide when I totally screw up this parenting thing. This babygirl is our last, and the one before her never made it into our arms, so there are some bittersweet moments for sure, there is some grief, but goodness Ivy is so much peace and joy. It's wonderful really, my kids are awesome people, they are fun to be with, damn funny, mostly caring, each one so different, all of them mine (if only temporarily). And we are a blended family so there is that oddness, they have a dad but he is kind of only a parttime dad, so God gave us Joe and he is the best Papa ever, he loves us so well. It is one of my greatest joys watching their relationships with him."
"So I guess this is where I'm at right now... the moments don't feel so fleeting, with the tinies or the teens, the moments feel precious to me, sacred even, but I don't find myself wishing they'd stay little forever or anything like that. I find myself enjoying them as they mature, and try and fail, and succeed, and make new friends, and learn new things, and grow... It is incredibly lovely to watch my babies become who they are supposed to be."