I have several teaching engagements this year in Fort Worth and San Antonio and am looking for some sweet mamas and their babies/families to model for me.

First up, Fort Worth, Saturday, Sept 5th, Fairmount Area from 3-5pm
I will be recording a series of videos of breastfeeding mothers and their babies. Segments will be 10 mins long. Must be a breastfeeding mother who is willing to have these videos (on modest posing) be shown to a worldwide audience. Punctuality is extremely important.
3:00 - Mother with 2-6 Week Old Baby
3:20 - Mother with 4-6 Month Old Baby (filled)
3:40- Mother with 9-12 month Old Baby (crawling but not walking)
4:00 - Mother with 18+ Month Old Nursing Baby
4:20 - Pregnant Mother with Husband and one child
4:40 - Family of 4+ (filled)

If you fit the above criteria and are interested in getting in participating in this educational project please email me at with the subject "Fort Worth Model" with your names, age (of baby and how far along you are/will be), and a current picture of you together.

The next opportunity I have is for Click Away in San Antonio!
 I'm looking for a family to pose for my golden hour session during Click Away (
 If you will be an expecting mama (28-32 weeks pregnant) with a 6+ year old child, and a hubby, and are interested in getting in front of my lens (and a few very excited ladies!) please email me at with the subject "CA Expecting Family Model" with your names, age (of baby and how far along you are/will be), and a current picture of the three of you together.

I'm looking for a model (or two) to pose for my boutique sessions during Click Away (
If you will be a breastfeeding mama of a 12-14 month old babe and are interested in getting in front of my lens (and a few very excited ladies!) please email me at with the subject "CA Breastfeeding Model" with your names, age (of baby), and a current picture of the two of you together. No other family members are needed for this session, so please keep that in mind.