Burke Lady Ballet | First Recital

I'm so proud of the girls for sticking with ballet this year, particular the younger sister, Norah.
It was the first year for both of them and proved to be a great way to meet other families in the community, learn a new discipline, and have fun.
A huge thank you to Nancy Sulik, their instructor for providing an environment of encouragement and class for all of our ladies.
Here is just a peek into their night-
Most were taken during the dress rehearsal so I could enjoy the actual performance- well, as much as one can with a 3 year old bouncing around in your lap. And on the neighbors laps. And screaming and crying.

I'm so looking forward to rest this summer before a jam packed fall!
Here's what I've got going on:
I am currently filling 2016's calendar with one session a month for Rockport, Texas and surrounding areas.
Huntsville, Alabama June 9-12
Fort Worth in August speaking at The Inspired Story and again October 21st-23rd for fall sessions.
Seattle October 6-10th for Click Away 2016. I am booking a limited number of family sessions and Mini Sessions at Discovery Park