Shanna & Vivi


Shanna & I have been mommy and photog friends for a few years now. Early this year I met her beautiful new daughter, Vivi in this field at sunset for some gorgeous breastfeeding newborn images. This weekend I got to meet with her again at sunrise in the same field to celebrate her (almost) one year birthday.

The confidence that Shanna shows in these images isn't a front. Watching her grow as a woman, mother, photographer and friend has been an absolute blessing. Happy Birthday, Sweet Viv.

Browning Babe


As a photographer, I am honored to share intimate moments in people's lives that many aren't privy to. But I find it almost necessary to get all up in my client's space, where they are comfortable and raw and truly themselves. I will never tire of shooting in my clients homes. Or baby bellies. Or extra limey salsa. But now we're getting off track.

This beautiful mama and her family are waiting for their baby boy or girl to arrive ANY MINUTE now. So, while you're going over these... maybe send her some birthy vibes or a virtual hug. I think they are very ready to meet their sweet babe.




Duckett Ladies

Keri is a dear friend.Past roomie, bridesmaid, encourager, button pusher, giggler, Jesus chaser, she is one in a million.

Watching how motherhood has changed her, sanctified her, has been an honor. Celebration, loss, sleepless nights, grace upon grace upon grace upon grace upon grace, I've walked through a bit with this lady. She points me back to biblical friendship when I can't get past my frustration or pride. She has learned to put her girls first before everything else, and the evidence is in their spirits.

Happy Birthday, Old Lady. Even though you're basically middle aged now, I still love you ;]

Keri on Motherhood: "Motherhood is this odd and beautiful thing where suddenly your eyes are wide open to a whole new world. It's a mission, an opportunity even, to be these girl's safe place. I get to create this place between us where they can come and find love and be embraced whether they have it all together or not. Whether they're "okay" or not. And ultimately, I get to represent that gospel... of grace to them. That's powerful and scary and amazing."