Twin Belly on the Bay

A while back, my husband, of all people came home from work and said "Do you remember a Jenna M from high school? Well they've had a long pregnancy journey and they're finally pregnant. WITH TWINS!"First of all, I love that my husband knows me well enough to know any pregnancy news is worth telling me, because I just love babies, ha! Secondly I thought "Well, her photographer she will be lucky, I bet she's GORGEOUS!"

Imagine my surprise when a few months later I got an email from her asking about a session!

Jenna and her husband are such a very sweet couple, and she is carrying these babies (one boy and one girl) just beautifully! And I must add, their sweet fur baby did AMAZINGLY well. He's going to be such a good big brother :] I am over the moon excited to meet these babies this winter and am thrilled this woman gets to experience motherhood this way.