Lauren & Her Girls

The reason I went to Alabama was Lauren.
I met her last year at Click Away in San Antonio and took a trip to Phoenix with her and some of our other Click Pro friends. Lauren has three girls, like me. And I admire what how she mothers three strong, very unique little ladies in a way I don't see very often. This is pretty descriptive of our entire relationship. Lauren is a photographer "like me," a music lover "like me," and a burger enthusiast "like me." But in everything that we have in common, I look up to her knowledge and commitment. Lauren's artistic abilities floor me on a regular basis. Her desire for deep friendship is admirable. I love her like a sister and I'm so grateful that she opened up her home to me for a million days (thanks American Airlines.)
Without further gushing girl crushing, Lauren and her girls.

"So let's pretend you only get one word to describe what motherhood is like at this point in your life. I don't have to think long about it... my word is "exhausting". Motherhood IS exhausting. Now, that doesn't mean there aren't lots of magical moments of motherhood in there. But they get hidden (suffocated?) in a life that is simply exhausting. Between all the question-asking, talking-back, whining, pouting, stuff-everywhere, thirsty and hungry, play with me, look at me, WATCH ME demands of motherhood, it's hard to sit back and appreciate that motherhood is also amazing, rewarding, and utterly heart-stirring. 

We're so exhausted by the demands of motherhood, we forget to celebrate the delights of motherhood.  

What Mae has given me, these beautifully authentic pictures of me and my girls are tangible, irrefutable proof that all that I do and all that I am, is enough. I am enough. 
I know that motherhood won't always be this exhausting, and that one day I'll probably yearn for them to need me more than they do and to talk to me more than they want to. So for now I'll keep brewing the coffee strong, take it one day at a time, and look at my pictures often. Thank you Mae. 

Psalm 18:19 : He Brought me out into a broad place, he rescued me, because he delighted in me. "