Beachside Bump

Kelly was a BLAST to work with. Planning sessions outdoors in the South Texas winter can be a tricky affair. Finding juuuuust the right window for sun/warmth in the middle of January is quite the feat.Luckily, Kelly, her sweet husband Charlie, and I got out to the Island and were able to photograph the beauty that is this first time mama. And only one of us is still picking cactus needles out of her behind!

Kelly sent me this sweet little something this morning to share with you all: "I will admit, I often have unattainable expectations – of myself and others. 

Yes, that’s how I’d like to open this gush session about Mae Burke. She didn’t ask me to write this – I just HAD to.  What an amazing experience and what a beautiful compilation of baby bump photos to keep forever – and show to my daughter one day. 

It’s rare to find someone like Mae to work with. She was a great listener and made the experience about what I wanted, but also took charge where she needed to – helping me chose what to wear before the shoot, pinning my hair back for me as we stood on the beach, requesting accessory/clothing changes as we ran around trying to catch the fleeting sun. She was an ultimate professional – always super responsive by phone, text and email, clearly laying out next steps and expectations and offering secret maternity photo tips and tricks to get the most flattering poses. She has an amazing talent and  a distinctive vision – that anyone can see from her work. She is doing what she was meant to in this life. 

But the thing about Mae that put her over the edge for me – is her ENERGY. During the shoot her positive energy overflows from her and it is infectious!  I actually had fun taking pictures – which never happens!  For all of these wonderful attributes squeezed into one tiny person – I am grateful and in absolute awe. 

Let’s just say, my unattainable expectations…have been blown away. 

Thank you, Mae for making this entire experience even more memorable.  xo"

Bethany & Her Girls

Nearly three years ago I met this mama in Fort Worth to photograph her and her sweet, newly one year old little girl, Alice.You can imagine my excitement when she contacted me wanting to make the long trek from Fort Worth to Rockport in honor of her second daughter, Hilde, turning one.

From Bethany:

" All my life, I knew I wanted to be a mother. But I didn't know I would have to fight to become one. Once I became pregnant, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. But I didnt know I would have to fight for that too.

I fought to conceive both children with tons of supplements, diet changes, hormone panels, chiropractic care, and even acupuncture. I fought fiercly with both children to breastfeed, my younger much much more than my older. Through therapies, tie corrections, pumping, LC help, and overwhelming support, both of them received exclusive breastmilk until six months and nursed to a year+.

I fully intend on making sure they both know how much I worked for them.  Not for guilt, never for guilt. But so they have instilled in them that what they want, what they know is right, is worth fighting for. You have to fight for it. You have to put in your whole self and face it with a calm heart despite any and all pushback. Giving up is not an option as long as there is the slightest glimmer of hope. As females, they must face most all things in this world with this stance. They must know that everyone will expect them to give up or fail, because girls 'aren't supposed' to have the same perseverance and tenacity as boys.

Like so many other mamas, I will one day release my tiny, amazing daughters into the world as grown women. I can only hope and pray that what I've taught them stays with them."

Thank you for sharing your darling, fair hair haired little ladies with me over the years, Bethany. I look to many, many more beautiful moments in your motherhood journey <3

Jena Bump

  This is Jena. She is a mama to two boys, a firecracker of a baby girl, and is pregnant numero quatro. Jena is a passionate mother, a giver, a creator, and a deep thinker. I couldn't think of a more beautiful and appropriate morning to photograph her waiting on this next little love to come into the world.

It was so fun to spend this time with her, uninterrupted by our six kids, laughing, and playing in the freezing jellyfish filled water and taking in all of the grey and blue. We woke up at dawn to catch all the beauty that is the bay right after a rain storm. Worth it. Thank you so much for this morning, Jena <3