Waking up to the haze of Monday with this family session culled and waiting
for me to pour over during nap times and bed times this week.
Holding up our babies with beautiful strength through the fog - yep, that's motherhood.
erin & her loves
When I found out that I was going to get the chance to photograph the Kings yet again, I was thrilled. This family is near and dear to me, and watching them grow closer together as the years go by is such a blessing.
From Erin "Mae, through her friendship and photography, has affirmed our family's love and joy throughout the years. She reminds me how capable I am to raise my babies, that God made me to do this very hard thing. As our growth is documented through her lens each year, I can actually feel my heart swell with pride looking at my little family in those albums, especially during times when I feel stagnant. Our family has indeed expanded, and so has our capacity to laugh together. We're trying not to take things so seriously. Looking for ladybugs and wearing flowers in our hair are the very things we want to remember in this season of life, as we put our hope and trust in the Lord for our future. "
I asked Erin and Michael to snuggle up together for some images of them alone, and the lyrics to one of my (and Michael's) favorite mewithoutYou songs came to mind:
"Grape on the vine, grape on the vine, We've been alone a long time. Grape on the vine... why not be crushed to make wine?
Pay no attention to me Dancing with my girl... With every intention to be failures in this world."
Jen & Her Gals
As I prepare myself for sessions in Fort Worth next week, I am going through a few of my favorite sessions from last month and came across Jen's.She has the most beautiful girls that make me excited about the "big girl" days ahead of me.
From Jen "I think the most important aspect of motherhood to me is the one that involves creating a space for my children to feel their emotions, to think creatively, to make decisions, and to make mistakes. I feel most successful as a mother when my daughters are confident and free to do these things boldly. I wish I could better express what being a mother means to me. For now, I will quietly appreciate the bliss, bewilderment, admiration, heartbreak, and hope."