Dirty Feet

Years ago, after Katie had her second baby, her little girl, I went to take newborn pictures for her. She sat down to nurse her and for me, my passion for breastfeeding portraiture was lit. While visiting Fort Worth we sat down for a quick session with her third baby (whose birth I photographed earlier this year)

We have been pregnant together three times. Shared uncontrollable laughter and gut wrenching tears.

She is wild. And sweet. Like the best honey you can find. She is as adventurous as she is a homebody. She picked me up from the airport in a squeaking RV full of stinky babies and her dog when I arrived in DFW last week. She is missed when I need a partner in crime.

In all of the years I've known this woman, this image says it all- the prettiest girl, with the dirtiest feet, nursing her babe.


Nursing Baby